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Over the millennia, the language of ancient Egypt was written in different scripts:  hieroglyphs, hieratic, demotic and Coptic.  Coptic was the final stage of ancient Egyptian, and used the Greek alphabet (plus some additional signs) to record the language spoken by Egyptians in the late Roman, Byzantine and early Arab periods.  Coptic continues to be used in the liturgy of the Egyptian Christian Church.  Many surviving Coptic texts reflect the milieu of Egyptian and early eastern Christianity: these include Biblical works, hagiographies, monastic works and apocryphal gospels of the type preserved in the Nag Hammadi codices.  Texts such as personal and business letters, spells and legal contracts tell us about the day-to-day life of the ordinary Egyptian.   


Read this article to learn more about the evolution of Egyptian from hieroglyphs to Coptic.


I create online learning resources and deliver lessons  in Coptic for learners of all levels. 


​You do not need any prior knowledge of Egyptian or Greek to learn Coptic.​


Coptic writing on an ancient object
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